35+ Shocking Body Abnormalities People Are Proudly Sharing

Published on 10/09/2022

Humans have been fascinated by differences from the beginning of time. Unfortunately, this interest occasionally resulted in fear and scorn. While some persons with physical differences have concealed their differences out of shame, others have embraced them and are delighted to share them. We’ve assembled a list of fascinating physical anomalies that people are glad to reveal, from an additional toe to striped wisdom teeth — and it’s all courtesy of r/mildlyinteresting.

Marfan’s Syndrome

We’re sure you’ve felt that you were only a few inches away from reaching something on the top shelf. It’s normal to wish you had longer fingers to assist you in certain situations.

35+ Shocking Body Abnormalities People Are Proudly Sharing

35+ Shocking Body Abnormalities People Are Proudly Sharing

This guy appears to be bragging about not having that problem. Though it may appear unusual, they only deal with the cards that have been dealt to them.

Hereditary Knuckles

We all studied the hand’s bone structure in anatomy class and thought it applied to everyone. However, some people are born with exceptional circumstances, such as this individual.

Hereditary Knuckles

Hereditary Knuckles

That being said, knuckles are required for your hand to move. So we’re unsure how this individual picks things up without that middle knuckle. Don’t you think that would be difficult?

Chicken Skin Or Goosebumps

When something is frightening or startling, most individuals have goosebumps all over their bodies. On the other hand, this poster appears to be a patchwork of pimples and smooth skin.

Chicken Skin Or Goosebumps

Chicken Skin Or Goosebumps

Though it appears that this individual doesn’t mind and has grown accustomed to their unusual body, honestly, unless they point it out, someone might not notice!

Tongue Gap

What’s under our tongue is something that many of us don’t give much thought to. That’s because we don’t see it until we wash our teeth thoroughly. We’d want to know how long it took this person to notice this peculiar anomaly.

Tongue Gap

Tongue Gap

To want people to see this anomaly, you’d have to be quite proud. However, it must be unusual for them to wander around with only their mouth open and pointing!

Bi-Colored Hairs

Many individuals want to change the color of the hair on their heads, but this person has a distinct look on their legs. Walking about with people always gazing at your legs must be strange.

Bi Colored Hairs

Bi Colored Hairs

If we had this, we could consider shaving them to prevent this from happening, but this individual believes it’s something to show off at parties! So they proudly wear their shorts, expecting someone to comment on their hairy legs!

Something’s Wrong

True, everyone is unique, but when it comes to their hands, they have middle fingers that are longer than their index fingers. Many people may find it unusual that this person’s hands are shaped like this.

Something’s Wrong

Something’s Wrong

On the other hand, this guy enjoys taking photographs and posting them all over the place. We believe it’s great that they appreciate their differences. People should surely follow their lead.

Unique Middle Finger

“You should get some color.” “You look so pale.” If you have fair skin, you’ve certainly heard these comments. However, this girl is most likely informed, so people would feel at ease staring at her hands.

Unique Middle Finger

Unique Middle Finger

This appears to be someone else’s hand! It doesn’t appear to worry her. She has adored it and is eager to show it off to everyone!

Just One

For some, the first gray hair may be rather traumatic. Finding it somewhere on your body where it can be hidden is one thing, but this individual had theirs in a location where it is impossible to hide.

Just One

Just One

While some may be ashamed of it, this person is proud of their uniqueness! We think it’s fantastic – they look like they stepped out of an X-Men movie.

Split Down the Middle

Having an unusual physical part that everyone can see and admire is one thing. This person’s anomaly has them saying “aww” every time it is mentioned, which is insane. That is, at least, how we feel.

Split Down The Middle

Split Down The Middle

This is insane in the best possible way. But it makes us question whether it affects how their mouth works. Is this to say they can accomplish harmony and symphony when they sing? So many inquiries…

Mini Toe

It is not as unusual as one may expect to have an additional toe. However, this form of the toe is unusual and, in our opinion, unsettling. Still, it doesn’t appear to be a major concern for this individual.

Mini Toe

Mini Toe

We suppose this little toe may be a fantastic discussion starter. After all, they are one-of-a-kind, and no one will be able to compete with them.

Tooth Fairy’s Hidden Treasure

X-rays are taken whenever you see the dentist. When this happens, physicians examine your regular teeth, but one doctor discovered something startling.

Tooth Fairy's Hidden Treasure

Tooth Fairy’s Hidden Treasure

They now have a picture of something they may distribute during a party. Of course, if they open their mouths, you won’t be able to see it. Though this may be the only option, we understand why they want to share it with everyone.

Strange Colors

Having your wisdom teeth out is one of the most painful procedures. The strain and suffering that comes with it are life-changing. When you have them extracted, the doctor may give them to you.

Strange Colors

Strange Colors

Ideally, it should be a conventional tooth, but this woman received a one-of-a-kind designer-style wisdom tooth. It’s something you want everyone to see!

Single Crease

Many individuals like having their palms read to learn their fortune. For whatever reason, this is done by glancing at the lines on a hand. But, with this individual, they will have a great time with the fortune teller.

Single Crease

Single Crease

Oddly, this person’s hand has only one wrinkle. To be honest, this is a small change we doubt most people would detect at first sight.

Spare Teeth

Everyone’s body functions somewhat differently. Though the core ideas are all the same, our bodies may occasionally do unexpected things that result in bizarre anomalies, such as this guy who appears to have other teeth sprouting.

Spare Teeth

Spare Teeth

Though we’re not sure if this is a real tooth, even so, they’re proud of it, which we suppose is good.

Extra Wisdom

Most people only have a limited number of wisdom teeth. This is generally limited to four, but this person went above and above and granted himself an additional one.

Extra Wisdom

Extra Wisdom

Because it’s not visible, we wonder if this individual keeps the X-rays in their pocket. If they do, this is even crazier than it appears in the photograph.

Off Center

Everyone has heard the expression, “your eyes are the windows to your soul.” However, when it comes to design, most eyes are very similar. We’d have trouble gazing at this guy if we saw his pupils were somewhat off-center.

Off Center

Off Center

The only issue is whether this person is proud of his strange deformity or if it hampers his vision. After all, it appears that he may have a blind spot.

No Middle

We’ve all heard of double-jointed persons. But not having a joint can be a stranger. It’s also a little weird trying to grip the door doorknob.

No Middle

No Middle

After all, your knuckles allow you to bend your hands to grip objects, so we’re not sure this is one of those unusual characteristics you should be proud of.

Number Two

Veins might start to emerge as you become older. Most of the time, these veins are just squiggly markings with nothing to say about them, but one individual took the time to examine them and discovered the number “2” in theirs.

Number Two

Number Two

The problem with this one-of-a-kind oddity is that they should cherish it since that vein might alter at any time.

Bonus Row

We lose our baby teeth as we grow older and gain our adult teeth. However, most of the time, we only acquire one row of teeth. On the other hand, this guy appears to have two teeth.

Bonus Row

Bonus Row

Even if it’s not an additional row of teeth as it appears but rather extra bones, it’s still a little disturbing. This should undoubtedly be used to create a monster for a terrifying film!

Where Is The Index

We believe it’s pretty impressive that folks with anomalies that cause operational challenges find methods to live with them. This individual is missing a finger but appears to be functioning normally.

Where Is The Index

Where Is The Index

Though most people look at them suspiciously, they enjoy their individuality. That signifies boldness and strength to us!

Count to Four

Losing a limb and learning how to live with it is one thing. It’s quite another to go your entire life without it. This individual seemed to enjoy the fact that they only had four fingers.

Count To Four

Count To Four

It appears that it is exclusively on their left hand, so perhaps that is something they have accepted. One thing is certain: they had to cope with very embarrassing circumstances.

Small Gap

When you’re a youngster, people always attempt to compare you to your parents. Do you have their eyes, lips, or an odd gap between your fingers? This woman and her father had an unusual characteristics.

Small Gap

Small Gap

It’s not much of an oddity, and it’s almost invisible unless someone points it out, but it is odd, especially because they both have it in the same fingers.

Two Become One

People with webbed feet are quite prevalent. There are even celebrities that are upfront about having this condition. But, even if it appears unusual, we must admit it’s lovely when you see anything like this.

Two Become One

Two Become One

It’s great that this parent is educating his child to be proud of their physique since it will come in handy as they grow older. With such assurance, they will be able to tune out anyone who chooses to mock them.

Baby Teeth

Losing a person’s baby teeth is one life event that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. However, some people never obtain all of their adult teeth.

Baby Teeth

Baby Teeth

Looking at it makes for an odd smile, but we’re sure no one will notice unless she points it out. But because she’s so proud of it, it’s on the show!

Under the Skin

Most people despise visiting the dentist because it often results in some form of surgery that is both painful and unpleasant. But now and again, you get to see fascinating stuff like this.

Under The Skin

Under The Skin

We’re not sure how this doesn’t feel dreadful, but the guy doesn’t seem too concerned. He seemed to want everyone to know that there was an additional tooth in the wings.


When you’re feeling like you’re going through a small transition, one of the first things most people do is dye their hair. Unless you’re this gentleman, it might be difficult to imagine how you’d appear with different hair hues.

Multi Colored

Multi Colored

This is a strange characteristic many people would pay a lot of money to have, so we can see why he’s so proud of it.

Half and Half

Several unusual eye hues appear on occasion. These are distinct and lovely but far from weird. However, this occurs occasionally, and although it is cool, it is also quite bizarre.

Half And Half

Half And Half

Even with this oddity, we can see why the owner is so proud of it. It distinguishes them and provides for an intriguing discourse. Furthermore, as previously stated, it is simply awesome!

Scott Free

Criminals worldwide have attempted to develop methods to remove their fingerprints. This would make them ecstatic. We hope this guy doesn’t think that way because it would be disastrous.

Scott Free

Scott Free

It’s fantastic that this person is in this scenario. Even though we mentioned the cops would certainly be upset, we can see why he wants to show it off.

Weird Color

If you’ve left your finger in the water for an extended period, you’ll notice that it begins to lose color and shrivel up. That’s what we’d think if the rest of his hand was like that, but the reality that there’s just one finger is quite unsettling.

Weird Color

Weird Color

But, if he’s had it his entire life, he’s had plenty of time to cope with it, so it’s most likely been a frequent topic of discourse. After a while, you must decide whether to hide or be proud of it.

Lighter and Lighter

When you get burned, your hands will become red, which looks weird. However, when you have this illness, the color appears to leave your extremities, leaving you looking almost ghostly.

Lighter And Lighter

Lighter And Lighter

But, if you can’t alter it, you have to learn to live with it, which is what this individual is doing. Though it appears weird, this individual is likely unaware of it until it is pointed out to them.

No Joint

It may appear unusual to have an entire hand sans knuckles. A single finger having that condition may seem weirder to some. Although, for the individual who has it, it is most likely something that passes unnoticed.

No Joint

No Joint

You don’t want to display it to everyone unless you’re proud of it. It’s evident from this photograph that this person is content with the fact that they don’t have any joints in their thumb.

Right Angle

When something is special, you find a way to make it available to everyone. This guarantees that you are not mocked and are truly sought after due to your distinctive characteristic.

Right Angle

Right Angle

This person appears to enjoy their ability to execute things at perfect angles with their fingers.

False Bend

A wrinkle forming as a finger bends makes complete sense to us. So this is unusual because this finger does not appear to bend as it should! It’s almost like a phony door hinge!

False Bend

False Bend

We would not have noticed the anomaly until someone pointed it out. This individual is proud since they want to show us everything and call attention to it.

Not the Same

The human body is symmetrical most of the time. The appearance of one portion of your body is identical to the opposite. For example, one hand will resemble the other. But not for this lady.

Not The Same

Not The Same

Strangely, this person’s hands appear to be from two separate persons. But perhaps that’s a good thing. It might lead to a lucrative career in hand modeling!


Sometimes the strange things we see must be revealed to someone to believe they exist. This person’s veins and what they spell out appear weird, and they should investigate more.



That being said, it’s a good thing they got a photo because the veins may migrate and alter with time, causing it to suggest something entirely different.

Extra Sweaty

Sweaty palms are a frequent stress sign. This is especially true throughout adolescence when your palms begin to sweat at the least sign of tension. It has to be uncomfortable in this state, where everything sweats more.

Extra Sweaty

Extra Sweaty

It must be difficult to reach for anything or feel at ease in public. However, the individual appears OK with discussing their situation with everyone.

Color Scheme

Women spend a lot of money to have new eyelashes with either different hues or thicker ones. This woman doesn’t have to worry about the distinct hues, though they appear to be mismatched.

Color Scheme

Color Scheme

The symmetry of the discoloration is odd. It’s difficult to detect the difference. Plus, she needs a little mascara on one side and doesn’t have to bother about the other!

By a Hair

There have been reports of persons with excess hair sprouting in unexpected places. We’re sure they attempt to keep that hidden for the most part since they don’t want to be mocked by others. But, since it’s in such a prominent location, it’s probably difficult to conceal.

By A Hair

By A Hair

But, if you’ve been dealing with it your entire life, you’ve probably become accustomed to it. Although, if you’re out and about, it must be difficult to camp and make a fire because we all know how it feels to singe your hair.


Birthmarks are fascinating oddities in and of themselves. But this one is out of the ordinary. It not only creates a one-of-a-kind mark but also transforms the nail into a custom-created artwork.



The only question is how well this will work when this individual attempts to paint their nails. It must have been difficult to keep that secret! After all, it is rather dark. Therefore, they must stick to deeper hues to maintain a consistent appearance.

No Pruning

Sometimes defects do not develop in the womb. It can also happen as a result of an accident. This individual suffered an accident, and now one finger can float in the water indefinitely without being pruned.

No Pruning

No Pruning

We’re not sure if this is good or negative, but it’s an intriguing fact. One that will undoubtedly make children chuckle!

Bunched Up

One thing is certain: cutting an Achilles tendon must be excruciatingly painful. We’re not sure why they didn’t have it surgically linked. Perhaps it isn’t possible. However, it does make their calves seem quite fascinating.

Bunched Up

Bunched Up

This is particularly true during the shorts season when everyone can see it. This is one of those observable anomalies and has become a topic of debate.

Lined Up

When it comes to the human body, some characteristics occur rather regularly. That small trail of hair on your tummy is one of them. It normally corresponds to your abdominal button. We’re not sure why this guy is the exception.

Lined Up

Lined Up

We’re not sure why anyone would find this interesting. However, we are strangely driven to determine why this individual wants everyone to know this.


Having an eye injury must be a terrifying and terrible experience. Though, like the rest of the human body, we know it is tough, it must have been difficult to wait for this to heal.



When it did heal, and they saw this, they were undoubtedly terrified at first. However, as long as it does not impair eyesight, it is a nice oddity.

Not So Big

Some sections of your body have names for a purpose. When you hear the term “big-toed,” it means that it is the biggest toe on your foot, or it is meant to be!

Not So Big

Not So Big

This person’s body didn’t get the memo, and it appears that the big toe is more like the middle one for them. It just seems odd and likes it would throw them off balance.


Most people have one eye color, with brown, green, or blue being the most common. Some people, however, are born with heterochromia, which causes them to have two hues.



On the other hand, this guy appears to have every color of the rainbow in his gorgeous eyes. This is one oddity that will always catch people’s notice!