25+ Casino Employees Dish On Unbelievable Workplace Incidents
Even regular gamblers may be surprised by the level of insanity that can be found in a casino. Some of the people who work in casinos have kindly decided to talk about their experiences so the rest of us can benefit from their knowledge. Unfortunately, there are some unpleasant details, such as feces and likely some sadness, in these tales.
Hey, That’s My Place
People frequently defecate and urinate themselves in casinos, but they refuse to move because they don’t want to lose their seats, and so we will immediately plunge into the strange and unsettling world of casinos. How shocking!

Hey, That’s My Place
This is not the last disgusting story you will read on this list, so be prepared. Things get far worse than you’d ever imagine in a casino, but they’re still pretty crazy.
Is My Husband There?
Oftentimes, the spouse who isn’t going to the casino is the one who is constantly worried about their partner’s gambling habits. Worried wives, it seems, frequently contact casinos in an effort to have their husbands’ actions monitored.

Is My Husband There?
Since casinos are a type of business where the husbands in question are legally allowed to be, we assume that the casinos themselves have little power to do anything about it. Even so, it’s disheartening to learn that incidents like this are fairly common.
No One Noticed
Even though this is the first story of its kind on the list, you can rest assured that there will be more. The fact is, many people inevitably pass away in casinos from old age, heart attacks, and other causes. Just contemplating it feels strange.

No One Noticed
A large number of casino employees have claimed that deaths occur frequently and routinely on the job. Even though death usually occurs due to natural causes, it’s still not a pleasant thought to ponder.
Mixed Emotions
We’re not going to get into the exact math of how unlikely winning a jackpot is. Suffice it to say, it’s very uncommon. So when it does happen, employees are trained to show enthusiasm and excitement for their guests’ winnings. However, that doesn’t work well when the winner suffers a terrible event.

Mixed Emotions
How likely is it that you’d win the lottery and receive news that a loved one was having a heart attack at the same time? We’re pretty confident that it’s in the astronomical range. It was, to put it mildly, an awkward situation for the casino worker.
Gambling Your Rent Money
Numerous people go to casinos with the express purpose of losing all their money. And yet, you’d think that people would dial it down a notch or two during the pandemic. But a casino employee tells us that’s not the case at all.

Gambling Your Rent Money
Many people will risk everything they own in an attempt to experience the euphoric rush of gambling. An addiction to gambling is every bit as dangerous as any other kind of drug or alcohol.
Gotta Take These Home
Many gamblers, it would seem, feel they deserve restitution after losing all their money. We can’t quite figure out the reasoning behind that. It’s not like they were coerced into giving up their cash by the casino.

Gotta Take These Home
There’s no denying that people choose to visit casinos and spend their money there, despite the fact that some might feel like the casino stole their money or something. I can only assume that they are simply resentful.
Nothing Can Stop Me
An additional tale that includes poop is addressed. We think there are simply too many of them. But this one is a little different because it shows how common occurrences like this are. Someone in the casino goes to the bathroom and has a bowel movement, but no one seems to notice because it happens so frequently.

Nothing Can Stop Me
For them, it seems to be commonplace; it doesn’t even register as unusual. That is how frequently people pee in casinos. Let’s just give you guys a moment to consider that.
It’s Kind Of Normal To See
Here is another example of how frequently things occur in casinos that would be viewed as extremely odd in any other type of public setting. For instance, people pass away fairly frequently for a variety of reasons.

It’s Kind Of Normal To See
Whatever the case, it’s absurd to consider how frequently fatalities occur in casinos. Knowing these kinds of things about casinos makes us feel a little uneasy about hanging out there.
Nothing Left
At casinos, it’s not uncommon for people to lose a lot of money, but what about cases where they lose so much that they are unable to pay for their transportation home? This also appears to occur fairly frequently.

Nothing Left
We are aware that many people who struggle with gambling issues do so because they lack self-control, but shouldn’t you at least make some budgetary preparations so you can at least find a way home? A whole new level of poor impulse control exists there.
Taking Care Of The Parents
You won’t have any trouble understanding why this story qualifies as one of the wackiest, wildest casino tales ever, in our opinion. It’s truly perplexing how little restraint and common sense the general populace possesses.

Taking Care Of The Parents
Seriously, people voluntarily put the elderly members of their own families in danger just to have a little fun, even during a pandemic when it is extremely dangerous to be in public. That is absolutely insane.
Have You Heard This?
Are you ready for more stories of people defecating on themselves? It’s regrettably not the last item on this list. If that makes it any better, at least this one is just a humiliating tale about the possibility of peeing one’s pants.

Have You Heard This?
In any case, was it necessary for the wife in this scenario to make the man feel embarrassed? You don’t really need to broadcast this kind of information to the entire world, do you? Lady, give the poor guy a break.
I Need A Break!
You presume that at some point during your shift, another employee will switch with you. But if they never show up, or even when they’re supposed to, you might find yourself in a smelly situation. As you might have guessed, we’re talking about a poop mishap here.

I Need A Break!
Do you really keep track of how many are on this list? At this point, it almost seems like a drinking game. How much poop does a casino have lying around at any given time? Too much, in our opinion.
Gone In An Instant
Imagine actually walking away from a casino with a sizeable sum of money. By virtue of the fact that it doesn’t occur frequently, it is already incredibly uncommon. Imagine winning all that money, spending it all quickly, and then winning all that money again. At casinos, it occurs quite frequently.

Gone In An Instant
Given everything, we assume that many casino employees witness this incident. After all, at a place where everything revolves around convincing people to spend their money impulsively, it’s probably a very common occurrence. I suppose that’s the key point.
Wearing Diapers
Do you understand why some visitors to casinos end up peeing themselves? Well, it likely has something to do with the fact that many of the aforementioned people spend eight to twelve hours nonstop at their spot or slot machine.

Wearing Diapers
They don’t appear to leave the room or get up from their seats; they hardly budge an inch. There is no wonder why they experience so many negative outcomes. It makes us wonder if they have knee problems or poor posture.
Gotta Have An Extra
Yes, there is yet another tale about how frequently people pee themselves. If you made this into a drinking game, you might get into trouble. On the plus side, this tale isn’t just about casino patrons peeing themselves. Actually, it has more to do with how frequently these people leave their underwear lying around the casino and in between the machines.

Gotta Have An Extra
Which is gross regardless and obviously. We find it hard to believe that people would actually consent to such behavior in public. They exhibit no shame at all. Or are casinos simply not the kind of place where people can feel ashamed? Almost certainly.
Bonding Time Gone Wrong
It’s a sad truth, but many parents bring their children to casinos and then simply leave them there while they gamble. It is, to put it mildly, the definition of bad parenting. The fact that casino security guards care more about the kids in situations like this is actually surprisingly endearing.

Bonding Time Gone Wrong
At least they occasionally have someone watching out for them. Considering how frequently gamblers bring their children with them, some casinos even have playgrounds and daycare facilities. Is it just us, or does that seem a bit depressing?
Losing More And More
The problem with casinos is that even though you might occasionally win, the amount of money you have to lose in order to win is what puts so many people in precarious situations. Even though you can win a lot of money, you almost always lose a lot first.

Losing More And More
If you continue to frequent the casino on a regular basis, how likely is it that you’ll come out ahead financially? After all, the goal is to take the majority of your cash. They do this because they’re trying to turn a profit.
Winning For A Moment
When it comes to heart attacks, a major shock frequently causes them to occur. The fact is, hitting the jackpot at a casino could come as a major shock. Perhaps this is why there are so many heart attacks in casinos.

Winning For A Moment
The fact that the man’s children were there is just one of many sad factors in this story. The family does, however, still get to keep the money they won, though we doubt that will bring them much comfort.
7/11s Fault
People who lose all of their money at casinos are the kind of people who don’t really learn anything from their mistakes. People who bail them out quickly realize that they’ll have to do it again eventually because of this.

7/11s Fault
It’s a constant spiral that appears to have no end, and the people who are forced to observe it are typically the casino employees who have no choice because they work right where the cycle starts. What is, is what is.
A City Of Vices
If you ever want to know why you shouldn’t go to a casino, just talk to a casino employee while they aren’t at work. They’ll probably tell you things like this one, revealing what kind of terrible things they’ve seen and experienced at their workplace.

A City Of Vices
Simply ask a casino employee while they aren’t at work if you ever want to know why you shouldn’t visit one. They’ll probably tell you things like this, disclosing the kinds of appalling things they’ve witnessed and encountered at work.
Banned From Casinos
Did you know that, in moments of clarity, you can actually request a ban from a casino? Actually, they’ll forbid you from entering at your own request for a predetermined period of time. That only works, of course, if you avoid visiting a casino in another state.

Banned From Casinos
You cannot be simultaneously banned from every casino in the world or the entire nation, after all. Therefore, you can simply move to another state if you ever decide that you can’t resist visiting the casino. At least he made an effort to assist.
Losing $100
We understand that losing a significant amount of money at a casino (even though $100 isn’t much in comparison) is undoubtedly worth some anger or frustration. However, banging your head against a slot machine in a casino probably won’t do any good.

Losing $100
In fact, if you take into account any potential injuries, banging your head will have the exact opposite effect from what it was intended to. After all, medical bills are expensive. Do you really want to lose more money after already losing some?
It’s Not Even Yet
Do you recall when we discussed the percentage of casino winnings to losses? Here’s some more evidence that most of the time it doesn’t go well. Even on good days, your actual performance is usually much worse.

It’s Not Even Yet
To earn a lot of money without having to lose more than you earned, you actually need to be very lucky. That kind of thing really only occurs every so often. Naturally, conversations with employees in this situation are awkward.
It’s Unfair
Considering how unlikely it is to win a large sum of money in the first place, consider what might have prevented you from doing so. This narrative is focused on that. It appears that touching the cards renders a play ineffective.

It’s Unfair
We now understand the rationale behind the rule, but you could surely check to make sure the man wasn’t lying, right? What about security cameras and such? You could have simply changed the deck later. He did not cheat on the winning hand despite touching the cards.
High Rollers
High rollers have a reputation for being very demanding. But it’s truly absurd how far a casino will go to appease such high-rollers. Just take a moment to read this story and consider how absurd it is.

High Rollers
Really? Do you need to deliver some donuts in a private jet? The high roller could have simply purchased some donuts from the location where he had just landed, wouldn’t you say? That would have been a much better (and less expensive) course of action, right? Well, high rollers may not be particularly concerned with cost or efficiency.
Where Are You Going
Actually, there are quite a few common crimes that occasionally occur in casinos. Typically, it involves small-time theft. That’s probably the reason why many casinos are forced to hire their own security personnel. But on occasion, those guards require a little assistance.

Where Are You Going
Fortunately, a good Samaritan in the crowd tripped the young thief, saving the day. That action undoubtedly made things much easier for the security guards and made some of the onlookers laugh.
It Shocked The Crowd
Here’s another story about fatal accidents at a casino that almost no one noticed. It makes sense, we suppose, given how crowded the casino itself is. When there are a lot of people present, it is simple to miss things like that.

It Shocked The Crowd
Even so, witnessing a dead man being carried through a crowded area while strapped to a stretcher must have seemed pretty odd. Nevertheless, the casino continued operating as usual. Probably happens quite frequently.
Like A Crime Drama
As we already mentioned, crimes do occasionally happen in casinos. When people obtain money illegally, we assume they may want to use it right away before something bad happens. Unfortunately, the police usually arrive pretty quickly.

Like A Crime Drama
In one way or another, a situation like this is probably not something you encounter frequently at a casino. However, it probably does spice up and provides some entertainment for the casino employees during their working hours.
A Strange Lucky Charm
Since many gamblers are superstitious, they might think good luck charms are effective. Having said that, does something turn into a lucky charm simply because you have it on you when something fortunate occurs? That seems improper.

A Strange Lucky Charm
At the very least, it doesn’t seem appropriate to have an insulin injector protruding from your leg, and it certainly doesn’t seem appropriate to use it as a lucky charm. But most charms are actually quite strange.
A Night To Remember
There have been a lot of depressing stories on this list, so here is one about someone who actually found success at a casino with no adverse effects at all. He put about $100 into a casino but came out with a lot more.

A Night To Remember
Even though there isn’t much of a story here, it is unusual for a casino employee to witness someone succeed without any obstacles. So, in order to balance out the good and the bad, we thought it was important to mention.
Ending With An Empty Hand
You did realize that the happy train wouldn’t last very long, didn’t you? We recently heard a tale of big-time success. Here’s a tale of someone who attempted the same thing but failed pretty quickly. The latter occurs much more often.
But hey, we have to appreciate the guy’s gumption and confidence. If you do go into a casino, having a degree of pizzazz is a great way to feel good about yourself… right until you lose all the money you walked in with. Oh well.
Dealers Don’t Just Deal Cards
People are aware that dealers deal cards, set up games, and do other things, but it appears that they also have side jobs as bouncers. They must, at the very least, prevent people from stealing odd items from the casino. Really, roulette balls?

Dealers Don’t Just Deal with Cards
Perhaps he desired one as a memento or something. However, it appears that he didn’t do a very good job of stealing it because the dealer tackled him pretty darn quickly, which is truly impressive!
It Was Splashed Everywhere
In reality, casinos are fairly well-policed. However, that does not imply that there aren’t any troublemakers in the area. Some troublemakers are more destructive than others, particularly when they’re unhappy. This one than most caused even more damage.

It Was Splashed Everywhere
Collateral damage is undoubtedly one of the worst things a troublemaker can do, and shattered glass poses a serious threat to and hazard to unwary individuals. We’re hoping security bounced that guy off pretty hard.
Don’t Be Too Suprised
Depending on the kinds of customers they work with, being a casino employee can actually be very dangerous. They may occasionally suffer harm or be abused. Has anyone ever maced you? As you might expect, it’s not exactly pleasant.

Don’t Be Too Suprised
We feel bad for those who suffer these situations simply while performing their jobs. The negative things that occur at the casinos are not the fault of these employees.
Wrong Decision
Speaking of crimes that occur in casinos, it appears that a good number of thieves think it’s a good idea to take their loot to a casino, where security is particularly tight. really high, in fact.

Wrong Decision
Actually, few criminals give their actions much thought; otherwise, they wouldn’t have committed the crime in the first place. It, therefore, comes as no surprise that they choose to take their stolen money to the worst location imaginable, right?
Tuna Story
People who are wealthy frequently make ludicrous requests. They probably believe that money can buy anything. Having said that, why would a high roller at a casino request canned tuna in the water out of all the things to ask for? say, what?

Tuna Story
We assume he simply enjoys tuna in a can. Rich people don’t necessarily have to like expensive foods like squid and caviar.
A Crazy Man
Crazy people do frequent casinos. We’re not sure what the man’s problem was or what compelled him to lose control in the casino. The thing is, since this is the only similar story, it does seem to be fairly uncommon.

A Crazy Man
It’s the only story like this on this list, I guess. At the numerous casinos spread out across the nation, we’re assuming that such incidents have actually occurred a respectable number of times. That is only an assumption, though.
There’s No Leaving This Place
How can you tell if someone is really dependent on something? when they’re willing to take a chance on getting hurt or killed to get it. When the fire alarm was triggered, these casino patrons weren’t even ready to get up from their tables or machines.

There’s No Leaving This Place
There’s no way they knew that the fire alarm had been activated even if there hadn’t actually been a fire. They simply didn’t care about the potential for harm or death.
Need Some Funeral Money
There are many justifications for gambling. But it goes without saying that most people wouldn’t gamble to pay for a funeral. However, it would be wrong of us to imply that people cannot gamble for items of that nature. All depends on them.

Need Some Funeral Money
But on any given day, this would undoubtedly be strange to see in a casino. The majority of people gamble to escape negative thoughts rather than continuing to think about them. Each to their own, we suppose.
A Little Alone Time
We can’t blame some people for wanting their own space and time. However, perhaps they shouldn’t seek out personal time in public places. That seems a little paradoxical, doesn’t it? Additionally, acting in that manner in public seems somewhat unhygienic.

A Little Alone Time
Although it would be inappropriate for us to restrict people’s freedoms, the casino hotel might penalize them for this. They might at the very least find it annoying.
A Gunfight
Here’s a wild casino tale that sounds straight out of the twenties. A particular casino employee reportedly came dangerously close to taking part in a gunfight that took place nearby their place of employment. There is no doubt that this is a rare occurrence.

A Gunfight
We’re just relieved that they escaped injury in this close call. We’re still interested to know what the gangsters might have been arguing about. Doesn’t this sound like the plot of a movie?
A Bomb Threat
Rare tale? What if there was a bomb threat at the casino where you work? That most certainly doesn’t occur frequently. The bomb threat turned out to be false. That doesn’t lessen how shocking and frightful it is, though.

A Bomb Threat
We doubt that many casino employees get to witness the bomb squad in action. Of course, we wager that many gamblers completely disregarded it in order to continue their current behavior. We wouldn’t be skeptical.
Visine In The Drink
This tale includes a hostess doing some rather ominous things, so it is a little worrying. In fact, we’re fairly certain that a hostess is involved in some sort of illegal activity in this story. What occurs if you take Visine anyhow?

Visine In The Drink
We assume that the outcome would not be very good since it is not intended to be consumed. This only serves as a reminder to never annoy the person bringing you drinks. Who can predict what they’ll do?
What They Deal With Everyday
Since the dealers are frequently the public face of the casino, when there are angry patrons there, they frequently vent their rage or anger on them. However, defecating on them? Just plain wrong. But then again, you did anticipate that we would hear a similar tale again, didn’t you?

What They Deal With Everyday
Congratulations to the dealer for handling it so expertly. Being urinated on by a stranger is a very juvenile and repulsive situation, and this is a very adult way to handle it. We salute you, internet-based random dealer.
Watch Out For Flying Phones
People often act strangely when they are angry with the casino. The individual in question made the decision to rip a phone off the wall and throw it at someone. That is, after all, a more conventional way of expressing anger than, say, urinating on someone.

Watch Out For Flying Phones
We’re assuming that these individuals are quickly kicked out of the building. Are they put on trial for anything? Is assault only considered to have occurred if someone was hurt? In either case, doing it is extremely rude. bad phone.