40+ Home Life Hacks Everyone Wishes They Have Seen Sooner

Published on 11/08/2022
40+ Home Life Hacks Everyone Wishes They Have Seen Sooner

40+ Home Life Hacks Everyone Wishes They Have Seen Sooner

Your house is your castle, they say. It makes sense that you might want to upgrade it in as many ways as you can in order to reduce costs, improve convenience, or simply increase your enjoyment of life. Some upgrades are only available through purchase, but you can also use some amazing life hacks to make them happen. People may feel hesitant to make any upgrades, but we can assure everyone that these amazing life hacks are easy to do! If we haven’t made it obvious enough, these hacks are frequently ingenious, far less expensive, and even enjoyable to carry out. We’ll discuss some clever house hacks in this article that will have you wondering why you never came up with them yourself.

Make Your Windows Look Bigger

Make Your Windows Look Bigger

Your windows’ size won’t actually alter as a result of this small trick, but it will provide an optical illusion that makes them appear larger than they actually are. Your windows will appear much larger than they are just by hanging your curtains wider and higher. This simple approach will provide the idea that your windows are larger than they are, but it won’t actually alter the size of your windows. Your windows will look much bigger than they are simply by hanging your curtains higher and broader.

Grocery Bag Storage

You don’t need to discard the grocery bags you receive from the supermarket. Those items can be really helpful! Having said that, you might not know where to place your extra grocery bags if you have a lot of them. This hack’s solution is a Kleenex box. All those bags can be kept in a tissue box.

Grocery Bag Storage

Grocery Bag Storage

Then you may keep them all in one organized location and take each one out of the box when you need it for the job at hand. It’s a fantastic strategy to recycle something that a lot of individuals would otherwise throw out, despite the fact that they shouldn’t.

Headphone Hangers

Anyone who has a set of headphones is familiar with the challenge of finding a place to store them when not in use. When we truly don’t want them to, they frequently fall. Consider utilizing a banana hanger to get around that; it’s ideal for the task.

Headphone Hangers

Headphone Hangers

All of us can really hope for in a simple house hack is that it will hold your headphones with minimal difficulty and prevent them from falling all over the place. There are certainly many other locations you could hang some headphones, but this one works quite nicely.

Storing Spherical Ornaments

Many ornaments have a rounded or spherical shape in some fashion. If you don’t actually have the containers to do that correctly, storing them can turn into a major issue. There are many practical alternatives, which is a wonderful thing. Have you ever seen a Costco apple container?

Storing Spherical Ornaments

Storing Spherical Ornaments

No matter where you decide to put them, they are the ideal shape to hold all the ornaments you require. Of all, apples aren’t extremely costly, so obtaining these plastic containers is a rather simple and inexpensive process.

Make Your Own Flexible Adhesive Cover for Cords

Speaking of cords, it might be challenging to conceal them when they are twisted and bent in various directions. But if you cut adhesive cord-cutters into smaller pieces with scissors, you can conceal any cord. You can hide almost any cord in this way.

Make Your Own Flexible Adhesive Cover For Cords

Make Your Own Flexible Adhesive Cover For Cords

There is practically no cord that you can’t hide by cutting up your adhesive covers into small pieces; all you need is a little bit of time and some scissors. This is true even if it’s difficult to conceal a connection that is all twisted and strange.

Flip the Fan Switch

Did you know that the majority of ceiling fans include a switch on them so you may change the ventilation’s direction? The direction the fan spins is reversed by flipping this switch. If you do this in the winter, warm air will be forced back down from the ceiling.

Flip The Fan Switch

Flip The Fan Switch

This is an excellent method for keeping your home warm in the winter so you can use less electricity and heating. You can take a quick action that will save you more money and energy than you might imagine.

Extend Soap Pump Longevity

Does your kitchen sink have a built-in soap dispenser? Do you need to restock it too frequently? Consider connecting a large soap container under the sink to the soap dispenser with a plastic tubing. Although the amount of soap you have won’t increase infinitely, the time between refills will.

Extend Soap Pump Longevity

Extend Soap Pump Longevity

The good thing is that you only need a little handcraft skill or knowledge to complete this hack. It’s a terrific hack because all you need are a few simple tools, which you can readily get from any regular department store.

Disguise TV Cords

Nobody enjoys seeing TV wires protruding from a wall-mounted TV. There are typically not many effective techniques to conceal them without making them look bad. However, you can cover them up with an inexpensive shower rod if you can locate complementary colors.

Disguise TV Cords

Disguise TV Cords

The best option would be to get a hollow one, but even if you can only find a standard one, you can use adhesive to cover the wires underneath it. This hack basically requires you to effectively match colors, but if you can do that, it’s a rather simple hack.

Privacy at Low Expense

Your windows can reveal too much about your personal life at times. That may be prevented by a curtain, which would also keep the light out. There is a way to make a partially translucent covering that will provide you privacy while still allowing light to enter.

Privacy At Low Expense

Privacy At Low Expense

It only requires the application of a cornstarch and water solution over lace or even just white paper. This will prevent individuals from peering into your windows but won’t prevent light from entering. It is simple to implement and offers the best of both worlds.

Dress Up the Closet Doors

Do the doors of your bedroom closets seem a little vacant? Well, there is a fairly inexpensive way to accomplish that. You may easily upgrade your closet doors by putting some low-cost full-body mirrors to them. They do a wonderful job of adding some décor to the area and are reasonably priced, simple to set up, and effective.

Dress Up The Closet Doors

Dress Up The Closet Doors

Overall, it’s a fairly simple task you can complete at home without spending a lot of money, time, or effort. Of course, those hacks are the greatest ones that are available. There is nothing better than inexpensive and simple that still achieves the desired result.

Use Two Shower Curtains Instead of One

Do you think your shower isn’t quite classy enough? That can actually be fixed quite easily. Just replace one with two shower curtains. Knowing how to separate curtains is undoubtedly more elegant than just sliding one to the left or right, as is common knowledge.

Use Two Shower Curtains Instead Of One

Use Two Shower Curtains Instead Of One

That could just be us being biased, but if you want a quick and inexpensive method to change your bathroom a little bit, this is a totally viable option. It’s also not that expensive, so it’s a side project that won’t take up much of your time or money.

Making Paint Easier

You may need to apply several coats of paint to some surfaces, but you don’t want your paintbrushes to become dry in the interim. Instead of cleaning them in-between coatings, place them in a plastic bag and store them in the refrigerator. The brushes just need to thaw when you’re ready to use them again.

Making Paint Easier

Making Paint Easier

By doing this, you avoid having to wash your brushes while you wait for the first coat of paint to dry, and the paint won’t dry on them. If someone remembers to follow this clever tip when performing some DIY work around the house, they may save a ton of time.

Efficient Vase Filling

Do you require filling a vase for aesthetic reasons? In any case, by placing a huge object to take up space in the vase before adding the filler of your choice, you can save money. Consider the illustration below: thanks to the wine bottle, this vase can be filled with less cork.

Efficient Vase Filling

Efficient Vase Filling

No of the sort of vase or filler you are using, you can employ this tactic. Marbles, cork, pebbles, you name it: with less room to fill, less filler is wasted, allowing for the filling of more vases with the same amount of filler.

Pad Out Rugs*

A little too thin of a rug for your tastes? That issue is fixed by this hack. Just add some carpet padding to cushion it a little. In addition to being frequently thicker than rug pads, carpet padding is typically less expensive. This implies that you can buy more comfort for less money.

Pad Out Rugs

Pad Out Rugs

Even though carpet padding isn’t particularly attractive, you’re hiding it under a rug, which is probably attractive, so it shouldn’t be a big deal. It is an affordable and convenient fix for a typical irritation.

File Holder Help

If you want to maximize your storage capacity, think about how valuable a file holder might be. The majority of people don’t consider this because they rarely use file holders, but if you take a short look at the picture below, you’ll notice how beneficial they could be for your cabinet space.

File Holder Help

File Holder Help

Any cabinet, whether in the kitchen or the bathroom, might gain a lot of space by attaching a file holder to the inside of the door. Keep in mind that there is plenty of space at the inner entrance to utilize, and it would be negligent not to!

Plot Out Your Paintings

Do you doubt that a painting will look good in the intended location? Or simply a ton of artwork that needs to be hung? Simply try creating tiny placeholders or templates out of paper, cardboard, or something else if you want to see how everything will look before you commit to it.

Plot Out Your Paintings

Plot Out Your Paintings

You can do this so that, among other things, you won’t end up with holes in walls where you finally don’t want them and that you can have a general idea of how things will appear before you actually commit to hanging any pictures. The fact that it’s so simple to do is also a benefit.

Protecting the Thumb

Speaking of hanging pictures, your thumb could be in danger if you use a hand hammer to drive the nails in. That said, take into account this hack: instead of using your hand to keep the nail in place while hammering, use a set of pliers or a clothespin.

Protecting The Thumb

Protecting The Thumb

All it takes to do this is having one of these objects sitting around, which, let’s face it, most people do, and you entirely eliminate any risk of hitting yourself with the hammer while you are working.

Customize Your Dresser or Side Table

Do you wish to alter your bedroom’s look in any way? Although it might appear difficult, this endeavor is not insurmountable. The cabinets don’t need to be completely replaced or painted. You may actually create a completely new look by simply changing the knobs.

Customize Your Dresser Or Side Table

Customize Your Dresser Or Side Table

The good news is that there is an infinite selection available to you because you can purchase a vast range of knobs from places for incredibly low prices. It’s a simple and affordable technique to alter how the furnishings and, consequently, the room, feel.

Avoid Trashcan Suction

Does the plastic garbage bag you use to line the can frequently become caught there? Or does it manifest itself when you least expect it to? Simply drill few holes in the plastic liner to get rid of the problems caused by this suction. You can prevent suction issues by letting some air through.

Avoid Trashcan Suction

Avoid Trashcan Suction

Of course, the plastic liner as a whole is not adversely affected by this. In fact, you won’t have any serious issues even if you drill a lot of holes into it. Although it is obvious that you don’t actually need to drill so many holes, you could.

Easy Tub Scrubbing

Nobody we know takes pleasure in cleaning their bathtub. But it may be made much simpler with the help of this clever hack. A broom and some dish soap are all that are necessary. With a new broom, you can scrub with a ton of force without bending your knees or back excessively.

Easy Tub Scrubbing

Easy Tub Scrubbing

And naturally, that makes the entire work much more manageable, doesn’t it? When you don’t have to injure your body, why settle for doing so? Of course, for reasons of cleanliness, you might have to dedicate a broom to this particular chore, but brooms are inexpensive.

Wipe Greasy Pans Easily

Cleaning pans with charred residue is difficult and not at all enjoyable. There is, however, a simple approach to handle it. Dish soap, hot water, and—get ready for this—a dryer sheet—all should be added to the pan. Once it has had time to soak, you can easily wipe away all of the grime. Let it sit for a while.

Wipe Greasy Pans Easily

Wipe Greasy Pans Easily

Of course, buying dryer sheets in bulk is really affordable, so there’s really no reason not to use them for this specific purpose. It’s a simple, inexpensive hack that doesn’t really cost much to use, which is, of course, the kind of hack we prefer.

Opening Stuck Jars

Everyone is aware of the excruciatingly challenging nature of opening stuck jars. It can be difficult on your hands and mentally to try to complete it with with one hand. You might attempt using duct tape, albeit it might not be effective on the tightest of jars. You have to employ a unique method, though.

Opening Stuck Jars

Opening Stuck Jars

Just wrap the duct tape around the lid, fold it so that all sides are adhered, then pull. On all but the toughest jars, this will be more effective than using your bare hands. It’s merely something to attempt.

Make Your Shower Rod Smoother

Use this retail hack to make things a little simpler if your shower curtains frequently have trouble sliding across your shower pole. Your shower rod will glide your shower curtains much more easily if you run wax paper across it.

Make Your Shower Rod Smoother

Make Your Shower Rod Smoother

Retail staff members actually use this trick when they have items that need to hang on rails, such as shower curtains. Given that it functions as intended in stores, you may be sure that it will function as intended in your home.

Create Your Own Organizer

Any trick that can make your life more organized is beneficial. Keeping track of all the plastic containers that many people have in their kitchens can be difficult. Surprisingly, more plastic containers are the solution. To be precise, one huge one.

Create Your Own Organizer

Create Your Own Organizer

You can construct your own split storage unit for all of your plastic containers by combining this large plastic box with a shoe divider. If you choose the proper size, it can even be fitted into drawers. What a clever home improvement tip!

Preventing Water Spots

Everyone is aware that wet stains make your faucets and other appliances appear more soiled. Unbelievably, a wax paper hack can also help you out quite a little in this situation. After cleaning the surfaces you’re considering, give them a wax paper polish.

Preventing Water Spots

Preventing Water Spots

You can avoid water stains from then on forming as readily by doing this. It’s a simple and efficient approach to lessen how frequently you’ll need to wipe these surfaces, allowing longer stretches of time between cleanings.

Easy Pest Disposal

Do the confines of your home need to be freed from an unpleasant bug? This trick will significantly ease the process. lint roller it! With this, you can squish the bug and also pick it up with the tool’s stickiness.

Easy Pest Disposal

Easy Pest Disposal

Additionally, the lint roller portion the insect is on may be easily torn off and disposed of in whatever manner you desire. It’s undoubtedly among the simplest methods for handling all facets of bug removal at once.

Maintain Makeup Brushes

Is it challenging to dry your brushes without them deforming? A hair elastic band is a pretty good fix if that’s a problem. Your brushes can be hung in a method that will allow them to air dry so they retain their form by being looped around a towel rod.

Maintain Makeup Brushes

Maintain Makeup Brushes

The best part is that most makeup users probably already have elastic hair bands on hand, so there isn’t much to do save take the time to loop those bands properly, which isn’t that difficult.

Make Your Own Battery Connections

Attempting to install batteries in a remote control or any other device that requires batteries can be quite challenging if a spring is missing. A little tweaking, though, can be beneficial. This hack only requires a piece of tinfoil. You just need to insert it between the spring and the battery to finish the job.

Make Your Own Battery Connections

Make Your Own Battery Connections

This is one of the best hacks in our opinion because it’s incredibly simple to execute and doesn’t need much knowledge, effort, or resources. What else is there to ask for with something like that, after all?

DIY Kitchen/Bathroom Cleaner

Need to start cleaning but lack access to the proper liquids? In fact, you can create your own. Mirrors, glass, and even faucets can be thoroughly cleaned with a solution made of vinegar, water, and alcohol (rubbing kind is preferable). It works amazingly well.

DIY Kitchen Bathroom Cleaner

DIY Kitchen Bathroom Cleaner

The best part is that these items are rather simple to obtain in large quantities, making them a less expensive cleaning solution than specialized cleaning chemicals you would buy at the shop. Having things be inexpensive and simple is always wonderful.

Color Coding Kids

If you have children, you are aware of how challenging it can be to manage all of their belongings. What if, though, all of those items were color coded? It is simple to keep track of what belongs to who at any one time if each child has their own color. If you struggle to identify who or what belongs to whom, this is a godsend.

Color Coding Kids

Color Coding Kids

But this trick will also guarantee that your children won’t lose track of who is who. This is a fantastic technique to make sure your children don’t mix up their towels or toothbrushes if you have more than one child. In that way, this hack even encourages good hygiene.

Organize the Cleaning Supplies

Do you struggle to keep track of all the different cleaning supplies you own? Here’s a simple tip that makes the process quite simple. Purchase a shoe organizer, then hang it from whatever door you like. You now possess a handy rack that can accommodate all of your cleaning tools.

Organize The Cleaning Supplies

Organize The Cleaning Supplies

By this point, you may have guessed that the majority of the hacks on this list simply involve finding new uses for everyday objects. If you know how to use it and where to seek for possibilities, creativity may truly pay dividends.

Use Windex for Crayon Markings

Do your children enjoy using crayons to decorate your walls all over? Are you worried about having to remove those stains? Well, there are simpler solutions to solve this issue. In actuality, Windex is extremely effective at removing these stains.

Use Windex For Crayon Markings

Use Windex For Crayon Markings

Windex may be readily removed off a surface by spraying it on a cloth and rubbing it until the markings are gone. Of course, it is best for everyone if Crayon stains can be removed as easily as possible.

Keep Pests Away

If you know what to do, peppermint oil can be used as a natural pest repellent to ward off ants, mice, and roaches, among other pests. Simply cover cotton balls in peppermint oil and scatter them over the house.

Keep Pests Away

Keep Pests Away

The peppermint aroma will stay longer and deter pests for a respectable period of time if the oil is absorbed. In any case, it will last longer than the other domestic uses for peppermint oil, so that’s a benefit.

Candles in Vases

Do you wish to place a candle inside a hurricane vase? If you are, you’ll probably need to do what we previously discussed, which is fill that vase. However, in this situation, setting your candle on a can as a pedestal is the wisest course of action.

Candles In Vases

Candles In Vases

This pedestal will, first of all, guarantee that the candle is properly level. Second, it will occupy space in the vase, preventing you from using as much filler as you might have if you had just filled the vase on a regular basis. efficient and useful, as hacks ideally should be.

Maximize Storage Space

Your pantries, cabinets, and closets don’t have enough room. Take a look at this hack that utilizes those tiny wire containers. To create little shelves that can really hold objects, you can place them up pretty much anywhere you have a little free space.

Maximize Storage Space

Maximize Storage Space

You’d be astonished at how much additional room you could provide yourself by doing this. It doesn’t require a significant financial commitment or amount of handcraft expertise. It improves the effectiveness of your storage and is quick and simple.

Extending Spinach Life

Do your greens frequently go bad even when stored properly before you’ve used them all up? Put a paper towel with the greens when you store them to get around this problem. The paper towel will some of the moisture by doing this.

Extending Spinach Life

Extending Spinach Life

And a simple paper towel will significantly increase the lifespan of your greens by absorbing that moisture over an extended length of time. It’s a great method to extend their lifespan without needing to buy any particularly pricey equipment.

Create No Slip Hangers

This simple and inexpensive solution might prevent your clothing from falling off of hooks. You only need pipe cleaners and nothing else. Wrap the pipe cleaner around the hangers’ ends for a quick fix that prevents slippage.

Create No Slip Hangers

Create No Slip Hangers

We don’t need to tell you how quick and simple it would be for you to put this hack to use, and that’s not even considering how little it would cost to do so. That’s what makes some hacks so fantastic, as we’ve already stated.

Cleaning Silver Tarnish*

Your silverware may look particularly unsightly if it has tarnish. But you can actually fix this rather easily. You may actually remove the tarnish by applying toothpaste and rubbing it on the affected area.

Cleaning Silver Tarnish

Cleaning Silver Tarnish

You’d be astonished at how much a simple tube of toothpaste can do to clean up your silver, and you can use just about any kind of toothpaste you have on hand. It turns out that a component that is found in almost all toothpaste is what truly makes a difference.

Keep the Toilet Flowing

Your toilet flush may not be performing as well as you would like. By turning the valve to the left, make sure it is fully open. The water flow won’t be as powerful as it should be and flushing won’t be as effective if the water valve is just partially open.

Keep The Toilet Flowing

Keep The Toilet Flowing

In essence, it operates as shown in the image above. If you want the water flow to be as efficient as possible, that is how you want the situation to be. It goes without saying that this will greatly aid in keeping your toilet as spotless as you like.

Scent Your House

Do you struggle to get rid of odors in your home? Febreeze doesn’t need to be sprayed everywhere. In its place, vanilla extract can be used using this hack. A chilly lightbulb should get two or three droplets before being turned on. The vanilla extract will warm up in the heat and fill your room with a wonderful aroma.

Scent Your House

Scent Your House

Just be careful not to attempt this while a lightbulb is on and warm; else, you’ll probably end up burning yourself. Also keep in mind that, unless you use this method on a number of different lightbulbs at once, the smell might not be particularly strong.

Essential Oils*

Essential oils have numerous health advantages for both the body and the skin. They can also be applied on your home’s furniture to add shine. Along with a nice scent, the essential oils successfully remove those tough stains and spots.

Essential Oils

Essential Oils

Just place two to three drops of your preferred essential oil on the cloth before you start scrubbing. Did we mention that its smell deters bugs as well?

Ice, Ice Baby*

The wax that is left over after a candle is burned is one drawback. No matter how hard you try, a finished candle’s wax always manages to overflow onto the surface it is resting on. And scraping it off is just incredibly difficult.

Ice, Ice Baby

Ice, Ice Baby

The fix is to cover the wax with a plastic bag containing some ice cubes. The wax will become harder due to the ice, making it simple for you to scrape it off in one motion.

The Magic Eraser*

PSA: Your hairdryer is actually one of your home’s most useful possessions. Your hairdryer is not just your hair’s best friend, but it may also help you get those unsightly crayon smudges off the wall that the kids left behind.

The Magic Eraser

The Magic Eraser

Simply set your hairdryer to the highest heat setting and direct it briefly at the marking on the wall. The heat will cause the wax to melt, making it simple to remove with a soft cloth.

Sticker Residue*

The process of removing the jar’s label is somewhat sticky. The label’s leftover residue is difficult to completely remove. Have you used every method known to man to remove those obstinate, sticky spots?

Sticker Residue

Sticker Residue

What you can do is as follows. A cotton ball or soft rag should have a few drops of cooking oil on it. Once finished, use it to rub the jar’s sticky area. Then, give it a few minutes to cool before cleaning it with a paper towel.

Heatin’ Up*

Using a microwave a few times can cause it to smell. Here’s what you can do if the scent emanating from your microwave is worse than skunk spray. Simply microwave a small bowl filled with vinegar for a few seconds (around five to six minutes is more than enough).

Heatin’ Up

Heatin’ Up

Take it out right now, then use a clean cloth to wipe out your priceless appliance. Try it out; we promise your microwave will smell like it just came from the store!

Toilet Cleaner*

Believe it or not, mouthwash can be used for purposes other cleaning your mouth! Even the toilet may be cleaned with it! You just need to put a little of that mouthwash into a bowl and flush it down the toilet.

Toilet Cleaner

Toilet Cleaner

Allow it to sit for around 30 minutes before using a toilet brush to clean it off. If you’re out of bleach or toilet cleanser, try this clever trick.

Avoid the Dirt*

Whether you like it or not, a bathroom is a germ factory (no matter how spotless it appears!). Additionally, most people keep their toothbrushes there. In light of this, you might want to be a little cautious about how you keep your toothbrush in the bathroom.

Avoid The Dirt

Avoid The Dirt

To stop your toothbrush from picking up dirt from the surfaces, clip it with a clothespin. The toothbrush will be raised by the clothespin.


These days, frequent hand washing is extremely necessary, thus it’s normal to run out of hand soap much sooner than anticipated. One should be aware of this hack because of this. So let’s begin.



To control the flow of the dispenser, encircle its neck with a rubber band. The quantity of hand soap will increase thanks to this small tip for making it last longer. genius, yes?

LED Lights*

Want to learn how to light up the shadowy areas without spending money on pricey lighting? We have a clever solution for that, though. Really literally! Simply place an online order for some LED stickers or go to your local supermarket to purchase them.

LED Lights

LED Lights

Place them thoughtfully on the edges of your counters and cabinets. You’re now prepared to create a single, enormously bright light in your kitchen.


You may learn a thing or two about the value of excellent posture from wilted flowers. Since they are rather depressing to look at, most people consider wilted flowers to be an eyesore. However, you may stop them from bending any further by using plastic straws to hold the stem.

Ex Straw Dinary!

Ex Straw Dinary!

These straws ensure that the flowers receive their daily supply of nutrients from the water in addition to correcting their slouching posture. Easy as pie!

Easily Repair Holes*

A door or window hole is unsightly to look at. But you don’t need to hire a costly carpenter to fix it; you may do it yourself. It will quickly be back to normal if you cover the hole with a layer of clear nail polish.

Easily Repair Holes

Easily Repair Holes

The fact that this hack only fixes small holes makes it clear. In the event that the hole is larger in size, it is always advisable to leave it to the pros.

Can’t Find the Masking Tape?

It’s challenging to locate the beginning of a roll of masking tape. It actually takes a lot longer than it should to peel off one piece of tape since it’s simpler to see a chameleon than it is to see the start of the roll.

Can’t Find The Masking Tape

Can’t Find The Masking Tape

Pull out the masking tape to fix this problem, especially if you plan to stick a poster to the walls, and apply it to the wall or another flat surface. Now that you don’t have to bother about trying to locate its edges, you can trim it to the size you want.

Repurposing Mason Jars*

Yes, we are aware that Mason jars are suitable for Instagram. They are also very functional and have many storage options. They can also be used to store paints.

Repurposing Mason Jars

Repurposing Mason Jars

We all know how difficult it may be to move the painting cans. Therefore, to simplify life, one can use these jars in place of the cans. And, as we already mentioned, they also look on Instagram!

Use Squeegee to Eliminate Pet Fur*

Any responsible pet owner will tell you how difficult it may be to clean their animal’s fur. Although you have no control over your pet’s movements, you may regulate your cleaning strategy when it comes to washing the fur.

Use Squeegee To Eliminate Pet Fur

Use Squeegee To Eliminate Pet Fur

The perfect cleaning tool for removing pet fur is a squeegee. All that is required to remove fur from a surface is an upward and downward motion; the squeegee will handle the rest.

Cat-Proof Your Home*

Cleaning tips for pet parents and cleaning tips for cat parents make up the two categories of pet cleaning hacks. For the latter, this one is. While you can’t stop your cat from scratching your furniture, you can use aluminum foil to make your home cat-proof.

Cat Proof Your Home

Cat Proof Your Home

Your cat’s claws will feel something odd on aluminum foil, and they’ll literally stop in their tracks. We guarantee that they won’t scratch your furniture again. Our cat, Toby, (dis)approves of this hack.

An Inviting Smell*

Although air fresheners may make you smell nice, they have a negative impact on the environment. Here’s what you can do in its place to create a wonderful scent in your home naturally!

An Inviting Smell

An Inviting Smell

By putting vanilla beans and water on the stove to boil, you can scent the rooms in your house. If you want to mix up the scents, add some cinnamon and orange rinds. Your home will smell wonderful with the help of this eco-friendly DIY scent.

Scratchproof the Surfaces*

Abrasions on the surface underneath flowerpots can be caused by their frequent shifting and moving when being watered or adding manure or plant food. This is particularly true in the case where the pots are enormous in size.

Scratchproof The Surfaces

Scratchproof The Surfaces

There is a remedy. Simply place furniture sliders underneath your flowerpots to prevent scratches. The pots and surface are separated by these sliders, which can be withdrawn with ease, preventing any instances of scratching.

Organize Your Wrapping Paper*

Paper rolls can get creased and folded if not handled properly, making storage a challenge. Rolls of wrapping paper can be neatly kept in a garment bag for easy organization.

Organize Your Wrapping Paper

Organize Your Wrapping Paper

To make it simple to discover this bag when you need it, hang it on the top of your closet. You can use this bag as your one-stop shop for all the paper you need for different purposes.

Sweet Dreams*

Imagine that it is a scorching summer. You’re having difficulties sleeping, and your air conditioner is acting strangely. Here’s how to resume sleeping in spite of the sweaty layer that is developing under your pajamas. Just freeze your pillowcase(s) 20 minutes before you want to go to bed.

Sweet Dreams

Sweet Dreams

Keep in mind to lightly mist it with water before putting it in the freezer. It will be lovely and cool after you take it out, so get ready for a restful night’s sleep. Happy resting!

Color-Code Your Keys*

Similar to socks, keys may be mixed up pretty easily, making it difficult to remember which keyhole each one belongs to. Finding the one you need at that precise moment can take minutes of sorting.

Opening Stuck Jars

Opening Stuck Jars

Paint each of your keys a different color to “Marie Kondo” your keychain. Your often used keys can be painted in bright hues like yellow, while your less frequently used keys can be painted in calming pastel tones.

Make Use of Magazine Rack*

Regardless of whether they read magazines or not, everyone should have a magazine rack. Seriously, magazine racks can hold much more than just your Cosmo subscriptions.

Make Use Of Magazine Rack

Make Use Of Magazine Rack

It can be used to keep things like a hairdryer, a curling iron, combs, and other styling equipment. Additionally, you can store your hairbrushes and other items in one of these racks.

Cool Your Laptop!*

Laptops are known for having tempers. What we’re trying to imply is that if left plugged in for a long period, these devices can easily and quickly overheat. Even while the modern laptop cooling pads are fantastic in general, there are several alternatives you can try if you don’t have access to one.

Cool Your Laptop!

Cool Your Laptop!

You can use an upside-down egg carton as a temporary repair. Although it isn’t completely aesthetically beautiful, it serves its purpose.

The Ultimate Crayon Hack

This next hack is for something a little more heavy-duty — when a simple covering of clear nail paint just won’t do. We’ve already discussed how clear polish can patch up small holes and cracks. Crayons are needed for this one. Pick a crayon that closely matches the color of the wall you wish to repair.

The Ultimate Crayon Hack

The Ultimate Crayon Hack

Starting at the edges of the nail hole and working your way toward the center, build wax into the hole. If the hole is larger, soften the wax by lightly heating the crayon’s tip with a lighter before filling it. After that, you can smooth down the surface with your warm fingers or with warm air blasted from a blow dryer five to six inches away, being cautious not to melt the wax.

Fruity Fertilizer*

A single banana has 422 milligrams of potassium, 2.6 grams of fiber, 12.2 grams of sugar, 22.8 grams of carbohydrates, 1.1 grams of protein, and 0.3 grams of fat. This indicates that it is healthy for the body. But did you know it’s also beneficial for plants?

Fruity Fertilizer

Fruity Fertilizer

Bananas can be used as fertilizer because they are incredibly high in potassium, especially for rose plants. Who knew that the secret to a rose’s pinkish beauty was a banana?

Pasta Hack*

A candle’s wick can become shorter throughout the course of its burn, making it more difficult to reach when lighting the candle the following time.

Pasta Hack

Pasta Hack

A situation like that could render the candle practically functionally useless. No longer! Fortunately, if the wax has melted too deeply to reach the wick, you can light the candle using dried spaghetti.

Be a (Paper) Plant Parent!*

The sad truth is that not everyone should grow plants, and schedule-constrained or busy individuals should avoid doing so in particular. The good news is that paper plants are accessible to all people, regardless of how busy they are.

Be A (Paper) Plant Parent!

Be A (Paper) Plant Parent!

Anyone can raise a paper plant because they need far, far less attention than their living counterparts. Simply dust them once or twice a week is all that is required.

Repurposed Pillow*

In addition to being environmentally friendly, upcycling is also quite wonderful because it gives old objects a new lease of life. Additionally, it’s enjoyable to stimulate one’s imagination.

Repurposed Pillow

Repurposed Pillow

Give an old pair of jeans or some old clothing in the closet a new lease on life by upcycling them into a pillow. Along with lowering your carbon footprint and consumption, upcycling will encourage someone else to give it a try.

Contact Paper for Tabletops

Are you tired of your tabletop but lack the extra cash to get a new one at the same time? Here’s how to update your worn-out tabletop without spending a fortune.

Contact Paper For Tabletops

Contact Paper For Tabletops

For your tabletop, spend money on some nice patterned contact paper. The days of having only two options—A and B—are long gone. There are many various colors and textures of contact paper available now, providing you a wide range of alternatives.

Chalk to Me*

The entire décor is immediately given an old-school, upbeat feel by the blackboard sketching wall. The nice part is that it doesn’t necessitate any significant outlay either (hello, savings!).

Chalk To Me

Chalk To Me

Request that your painter apply a chalkboard coat to a certain area of the wall. You can use this section to write down ideas or to make a list of tasks to complete over the weekend. Consider it a sizable, communal old-fashioned planner!

Knot a Drill*

Although you may have never even considered it, rope is another material that can be recycled in countless ways. Because rope is so adaptable, it can be bent into any shape with the proper glue.

Knot A Drill

Knot A Drill

Ropes can be used to build floor mats, toilet cubbies, pen holders, and even curtain hooks. Who would have imagined? The fact that it is almost free is the best aspect, in our opinion.

Cleaning Sticker Residue

Everybody has experienced the situation where they acquire a new item with a sticker on it, but there is an irritating residue that they are unable to remove. However, you can genuinely get rid of it with this technique. Only a paper towel and hand sanitizer are required.

Cleaning Sticker Residue

Cleaning Sticker Residue

The sanitizer will make it much simpler to remove the sticky residue from your buy. Simply apply it and then remove it with a paper towel. It’s a really useful hack that is quick, simple, and doesn’t take much time to complete.

Keeping Toilet Paper From Spinning

When you’re not paying attention, do children, pets, or anything else cause your toilet paper rolls to spin out into long strands of annoyance? If that’s the case, there’s a rather simple solution to this issue, which only requires you to bend your rolls into an oval shape.

Keeping Toilet Paper From Spinning

Keeping Toilet Paper From Spinning

The toilet roll won’t keep spinning if it has an oval form rather than a circular one; instead, it will halt each time it encounters the unusual angle. Since the roll doesn’t unravel as easily as it would normally, you’ll deal with a mess much less frequently as a result.

Prevent Toilet Bowl Cleanup

No one wants to clean their toilet bowl more than they have to because everyone is aware of how awful scaly buildup can be. Because of this, you want to think about utilizing denture tablets: once you clean your toilet bowl once, placing a denture tablet in the bowl once a week can prevent scale.

Prevent Toilet Bowl Cleanup

Prevent Toilet Bowl Cleanup

Denture pills are, after all, designed to prevent accumulation on items that are consumed by humans, so it shouldn’t come as a huge surprise that they also function on toilet bowls. It may seem a little strange to do, but it’s surprisingly effective.

Cover a Flush Mount

Honesty demands that we admit that flush-mounted ceiling lights aren’t very appealing. Fortunately, there are some quick fixes you can use to either cover them up or make them slightly more beautiful. For instance, you may use an extra lampshade to hide it.

Cover A Flush Mount

Cover A Flush Mount

Depending on the lampshade you choose, this could result in a ceiling light that is much more aesthetically acceptable. Of course, you are not limited to using only lampshades. Don’t be afraid to try different things that could hide the light but yet cover it.

Hang Your Foils

Do you want your aluminum foil sheets and comparable products to be more easily accessible? Remember that those sheets come in rolls; you may hang them on hooks in your kitchen like toilet paper by punching holes in the side of the box or removing the roll whole.

Hang Your Foils

Hang Your Foils

No matter what you’re doing, if you hang them in the proper location, access will be quick and easy, and you won’t have to rummage through all of your cabinets to find the aluminum foil. like having the best of both worlds.
