The Kardashians Want Us To Forget These Fashion Moments

Published on 11/08/2022
The Kardashians Want Us To Forget These Fashion Moments

The Kardashians Want Us To Forget These Fashion Moments

For better or worse, Kardashian fashion is usually a sight to behold. You don’t become a high-fashion heavy hitter without striking out now and then, right? It’s part of the territory of being a risk-taking trendsetter that those trends may, well, fail to set at times. A certain level of failure is unavoidable for these formidable fashionistas.

Melting candle

This strangely colored, horribly textured, a clingy wad of plastic has no business being called clothing. We can’t think of any reason she’d want to torture herself by squeezing into this squeaky straightjacket of a jumpsuit unless she’s on set, getting ready to play a crumpled candy wrapper in some dark(er) Willy Wonka revival.

Melting Candle

Melting Candle

Kim’s outfit gets a -1 for practicality when paired with the heeled sandals on a rainy day. The thought of peeling this thing off with the moisture trapped inside brings back memories of being strangled while trying to get out of a wet bathing suit.

Sleight of hand

Anyone looking at this floral dress and glove ensemble will want to rub their eyes in amusement at the disappearing act they perform. We can all agree that Kim’s feet, face, and hair are all in perfect condition.

Sleight Of Hand

Sleight Of Hand

Even her beautiful face can’t save this drab gown, which has a fabric that looks like it came straight from our grandmother’s tablecloth. Perhaps her pregnancy hormones made her feel extra flowery and feminine, like Georgia O’Keefe? Just keep smiling, Kim. Keep your focus above the unlucky turtleneck.

Breathing room

Even the most perfectly manicured toes would be suffocating in one of these plastic sweat lounges made of clear plastic. In general, we have no issues with Kourtney’s ensemble and have no plans to file any formal complaints.

Breathing Room

Breathing Room

That is until our gaze falls on her feet, and our hearts break for the poor trapped moist numbers. Because this matriarch family does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon, it may be time to consider more ventilated footwear. We can imagine that the clumsy mess would not be comfortable or safe for women who spend a lot of time on their feet.

ABC gum

It’s bubblegum all the way down to the toes and fingertips on this monstrosity, and it’s not even a fresh piece. Whoever gave Kylie the impression that this would be a look she would remember fondly was most likely telling her a bright pink lie.



Our minds immediately go to the metal braces bracket that this wad of chewed gum would immediately adhere to, thanks to the presence of the large, shiny belt. This sea of rosy ruffles should have been reconsidered unless it were the Grammys: Costume Party Edition, in which case we wish she would have reconsidered it.

Safari ready

With this head-to-toe khaki disaster, Kendall could be paying homage to the late Steve Irwin. Whether she’s just returned from a wild safari — perhaps that explains the strange puff balls hanging from her huge purse — or she’s getting ready to face the urban jungle.

Safari Ready

Safari Ready

We find this burlap dress to be unfit for purpose and completely devoid of any visual appeal. Certainly, her shoes and sunglasses are decent, but they are nowhere near adequate compensation for the rest of her outfit…

Birthday suit

Let’s start at the beginning and work our way up. Those white sneakers are either high-heeled, or she’s on her toes. Take note of the high-top feature on those kicks, which almost covers the white tube socks that go with them (…almost).

Birthday Suit

Birthday Suit

This begs the question: where does this beige bodysuit begin? It’s no surprise she went for the big fur coat; after all, this outfit looks like a giant pair of nylons. If she was going for a scary spandex illusion, she hit the nail on the head. At the very least, her hair and makeup are flawless.

Bag of bones

We understand that the weights and body types of the women in this family are frequently the subject of media speculation, but rest assured that we are using the expression in a much more literal sense in this instance.

Bag Of Bones

Bag Of Bones

But if anyone told him this suit would hide her from the swarming Paparazzi, they were sorely mistaken. We love Halloween too. Khloe, you don’t have to take all the skeletons out of your closet only to be comfortable. We are sure her collection of loungewear is widespread, much better than this dark one.

Wearing the carpet

Is it possible that Kris Jenner was rolled up in a very loud floor rug? Because we’d be sitting on it, this tapestry ensemble looks like something we’d find on the ground in a dimly lit hookah lounge (and that’s not a coincidence).

Wearing The Carpet

Wearing The Carpet

The pattern is equally confusing. Is that a cheetah print on the collar, with the tribal borders and floral spirals? Every piece of the fabric appears to be cut from the same cloth to ensure that this traffic cone does not go unnoticed. It’s almost enough to make us forget about her one-legged appearance.

Change the guard

Kendall, while we’re at it, let’s change everything. We’re unsure if she’s channeling the Buckingham Palace guards or wishing she could have been around when hip-hop fashion included this massive corduroy jacket.

Change The Guard

Change The Guard

It has a fur collar on top of the layered turtleneck, a v-neck sweater, an exaggerated gold chain, and possibly the extra-large headgear. Maybe it’s a weird mash-up of the two. Regardless of the source of inspiration, we find it difficult to take this pairing seriously.

Put a sock in it

We’re thinking Kylie found a time machine because this collection of throwbacks has us scratching our heads. Jelly sandals were all the rage once upon a time. Even the unappealing idea of wearing them with socks was a thing, believe it or not.

Put A Sock In It

Put A Sock In It

Mind you; we’re not saying it’s something we miss. We can take inspiration from this trendsetter for sunnies, pigtail buns, and even a ‘90s outfit, especially given how frequently these trends resurface nowadays. The sweaty feet, on the other hand, we can’t stand.

Snake in the grass

Animal prints are a big hit with the ladies in this family. Even being made up to look like a Beyonce double won’t save Kylie from wearing this neon green floor-length gown. Even the square-toed sandal peeking out has us wondering, “Why?”

Snake In The Grass

Snake In The Grass

It’s no surprise that this clingy, long-sleeve dress has a hood for extra warmth, given the seemingly paper-thin coverage (how practical). We sometimes wonder if these women are simply wearing ridiculous outfits to say, “I still look good.” You certainly do. The outfit, however, does not.


With this kaleidoscopic mess Kris is serving up, we don’t know where to begin. We can now see why Paris Hilton has her own paparazzi machine in her home, with her underwear on full display under the many flashing bulbs (seriously, look it up).

Peek A Boo

Peek A Boo

We fully support their installation in every Hollywood mansion, starting with the Kardashian home, if posing in front of a mock crowd of photographers can help celebs avoid sharing all of their underwear with us.

All washed up

We’re not sure why Kim thought a big, messy mop would be the perfect complement to her sleek, shimmery gown. The tight silver number beneath, with its sheer, gem-encrusted neckline and sleeves, is something we’d expect to see on “Dancing with the Stars,” and thus isn’t quite as outrageous.

All Washed Up

All Washed Up

Maybe she was feeling clumsy on this particular day and thought to herself, “What better way to avoid spilling anything on this nice dress than to mop it right over it?” We’ll give you points for innovation.

Mix ‘n mismatch

When it comes to Kim’s fashion, she looks like a cross between the Matrix and a rap video, with a dash of disco shoes, snakeskin pants, and a floral top for kicks and giggles.

Mix ‘n Mismatch

Mix ‘n Mismatch

We wouldn’t be surprised if she wished this photo had never been taken, given the car, sunglasses, and attitude, as well as the crazy attempt to marry so many drastically different colors, patterns, and textures. We’re wondering if the glasses are for vision impairment, which would explain all of the mismatched nonsense below the neck.

Couch potato chic

This outfit appears to be ideal for a day at home when you’re feeling under the weather. Baggy sweatshirts, leggings, and fluffy slippers are the epitome of comfort. She isn’t sick or at home, though. Not to mention the leggings’ fabric, which clearly prioritizes glitz over breathability.

Couch Potato Chic

Couch Potato Chic

We hope it’s been a cold day because it just makes us warm. Honestly, we support days of loungewear. We do not understand why we make so much effort to look perfect from the chin if the rest of the style seems like a yoga invitation?

Where is she going?

She’s wearing a pretty decent outfit underneath it all, despite a couple of questionable accessories. The white crop top with the matching patterned set even works well with the sneakers, which was a pleasant surprise.

Where Is She Going?

Where Is She Going?

However, is Kendall about to be picked up for some sort of skiing excursion? If that is the case, we doubt the coat will suffice. Surely she could simply purchase a new wardrobe upon her arrival, but she is either extremely prepared or completely unprepared.

Crime fighter

This leotard-style outfit, complete with a pageant-style fanny pack, could almost pass as a practical outfit for a trip to Six Flags. Then there’s the Pussycat Dolls hair, the killer “Charlie’s Angels” boots, and the bizarrely monotone ultra-bronze makeup.

Crime Fighter

Crime Fighter

It appears more likely that Kim was cast as a butt-kicking video game character than that she was simply a fan favorite. At least, that’s what we infer from her seemingly unshakeable self-assurance in this situation, which is otherwise difficult to explain.

So that’s where the car floor mats went

What was this, um, short suit(?) that Kim is wearing repurposed from? The fabric appears to be an awkwardly sewn-together collection of dining room placemats to create an ironic combination of both a wetsuit and a fish.

So That’s Where The Car Floor Mats Went

So That’s Where The Car Floor Mats Went

It’s as if a business suit had a bad accident, leaving it without coverage on all four limbs and compensating with a frayed tutu in the center. We hope this carpet monster has been retired for a long time, whatever disaster this outfit resulted from.

Picnic table pantsuit

We see no problem if we imagine the same outfit in all black. However, Kourtney may have constructed the ill-advised magic eye illusion she’s wearing by swiping a few picnic tablecloths and adding some sponge paint.

Picnic Table Pantsuit

Picnic Table Pantsuit

Remember those posters where if you let your eyes go out of focus for a few seconds, a hidden image appears? That’s what the checkered, flowered cluster of colors is reminding me of. But, unless it’s a message that says, “Just kidding,” we’re not sure we want to see the hidden image here.

Something fishy

Isn’t the point of clothes to be, well, clothed? So, why is this girl’s purse her most important piece of coverage? We’ll never understand how anyone can be so at ease in this nearly-nothing, flesh-toned fishnet.

Something Fishy

Something Fishy

The full-body statement conveys a lot in a small amount of space. We appreciate the layer beneath it, but it doesn’t excuse the oh-so-sparse overlay. Sure, your body is amazing, but Khloe, there are better ways to show people you’re a stunner.

Burlap babydoll

Regardless of your opinion on upcycling, we endorse it wholeheartedly. If there is another (or any other) use for that old burlap sack, we would greatly appreciate it. To say the least, the babydoll dress does not go well with it.

Burlap Babydoll

Burlap Babydoll

It appears that distorting Kim’s body shape so dramatically with the shape of this gown would be difficult for someone with such an incredible figure. From top to bottom, this dress does not appear to fit properly. Even her feet appear to be misshapen.

Glare factor

It’s hard to take in just one of these overly sequined ensembles, but K&K showing up as a super sparkled duo makes them look like they’ve started a dance troupe in the 1980s.

Glare Factor

Glare Factor

Perhaps all of the cameras flashes that constantly orbit the couple are bouncing off their clothes, explaining why they’re both squinting so awkwardly. Kim’s top half resembles a bizarrely reptilian robot. We don’t believe she’s aiming for that.

Tracksuit fit for a tiara

Most of us wore velour tracksuits now and then in the early 2000s. We might have even left the house in something similar to these hard-soled slippers, especially if we were going to a friend’s house or somewhere similarly comfortable.

Tracksuit Fit For A Tiara

Tracksuit Fit For A Tiara

The ultra-luminescent exterior of Khloe’s tracksuit, on the other hand, really amps up the glam factor. We just hope the inside of this pairing isn’t as unpleasant to touch as the outside appears to be, or the purpose will be completely defeated.

The lollipop guild

The oddly puffy jumpsuit we see Khloe wearing here, which has been inflated around her, has a strong Oompa-Loompa vibe to it. We’re also getting a strong sense of the Munchkin from Oz vibe from it.

The Lollipop Guild

The Lollipop Guild

We imagine that all the little people who sing and dance in movies would appreciate this disproportioned, painfully pink romper the most. The oversized glasses and handbag aren’t so much of a problem, but the leopard-accented heels and white rope belt aren’t helping matters.

Pajama party

Kourtney has clearly mastered the art of dressing for a killer PJ party. The fact that she’s dressed up in her party bag and high heels is a stark contrast to the matching set of lumpiness that she’s dressed up in throughout the rest of the video.

Pajama Party

Pajama Party

Her hair and accessories lead us to believe her bed-clothes-baring departure could have been an accident, as colorful and comfortable as the leisurewear may be. Alternatively, we’d believe her if she said the cute little one on her hip was the one making the styling decisions on this particular morning.

Black swan dive

We’re not going to be too harsh here. Kourtney didn’t mess up on anything: the shoes, clutch, hair and makeup, and even the blue lacy top are all excellent. They even complement each other.

Black Swan Dive

Black Swan Dive

The most obvious and possibly molting flaw is the massive feathery fluff in the middle, which Bjork must have told her is a skirt. We respectfully disagree. A simple black pencil skirt would be much more flattering, albeit less of a conversation starter, next time.

Under pressure

We all know that when a woman is pregnant, her feet swell significantly. We’d never criticize such a natural part of the process of life creation. Even without a child, Kim looks surprisingly good in this skin-tight white dress, a feat that would be difficult for even a non-pregnant woman.

Under Pressure

Under Pressure

Her hair, makeup, purse, and jewelry are all stunning, as usual. We can’t help but cry for those poor, swollen feet. We have to wonder why Kim did this to herself after seeing these girls in their slippers so many times.

Christmas tree topper

We’d have to assume Kris was channeling her inner mermaid if she hadn’t been wearing the navy blue overalls with the sailor’s knot and metallic seastar — something we’ve all done from time to time.

Christmas Tree Topper

Christmas Tree Topper

She didn’t stop there, though. Under the massive Christmas tree angel costume she’s wearing as a coat; this jumper is almost unnoticeable. Never before have we seen so many ruffles on a single piece of clothing (and we never want to again).

Fringe cringe

This couple’s lifestyle is devoid of frills, and their fashion sense appears to be no exception. The tassels that appear to have swallowed Kim’s dress are not just dispersed, but the length and angle of each strip of stitched-on fringe have us twisting our heads, bewildered.

Fringe Cringe

Fringe Cringe

It is possible that the soldier-esque shoulder lining accent on this abstract piece of art was inspired by the runway, even though it is hardly our idea of fashionable attire.

Camera flashes and more

Even/especially when representing her own company, it’s critical for any model to look her best when representing a brand. We don’t believe Khloe intended to display so much in this case (and perhaps she wouldn’t if it weren’t for the camera flashes).

Camera Flashes And More

Camera Flashes And More

Although side braids and sheer shorts may have been fashionable at the time — after all, this family has been in the spotlight for decades — the slight overexposure here most likely detracts from the product she’s holding. On the other hand, we assume it’s a standalone ad strategy.

Disposable footwear

One of two things has happened: either Kim is attempting to start a new “raincoats for your feet” trend, or the clear plastic wrap from our kitchen has decided to make a foray into the fashion world.

Disposable Footwear

Disposable Footwear

Fashionistas are known for favoring transparent plastic footwear, and we’ll never understand why. We can’t help but notice the uncanny resemblance to Vivian’s style in the film “Pretty Woman” when our eyes move upward to see the mini skirt and lingerie top, all coated in some oversized denim. Great film, but not so great visuals.

Self reflection

Style is said to be a form of self-expression. With her shameless self-portrait jacket, Kim takes this inference to a whole new level. We’ve all heard of people wearing their hearts on their sleeves, but what about your face?

Self Reflection

Self Reflection

We’ve never wanted to look down and see ourselves reflected in our clothing staring back at us. Not even once. Regarding the message on the sleeve, we’re unsure whether she’s describing herself as chill or instructing someone to chill. In any case, we’re confused.

Vanity before sanity

Kylie Jenner is absolutely stunning, and we are happy to acknowledge that. Her beanie, braid, baggy tee, and fierce attitude all come together in this mirror selfie to form a formidable force. However, Kylie, this picture is a tad too meta for us.

Vanity Before Sanity

Vanity Before Sanity

We are all for self-love, but we draw the line at statements such as, “Look at me, looking at me, wearing me. Me, me, me.” Even for a supermodel beauty of her caliber, it’s a little much for her.

Tealin’ myself

This photo was most likely taken around the time JLo attended the Golden Globes in that eye-catching green sliver of a gown. With these gleaming black leggings, large hoop earrings, and an even larger black purse, Kim added her own early 2000s twist to the look.

Tealin’ Myself

Tealin’ Myself

Although this kimono-style top and all of its accessories may make us cringe now, we’re sure it was perfectly acceptable back then. We wouldn’t be surprised if this oddity reverted to being fashionable once more. In that sense, fashion is cruel and cyclical.

Mistakes were made

These ladies are far from “twinning.” This coordinated black skirt, white tee, and bra-on-top ensemble are completely inappropriate in so many ways. It’s amusing when we consider how frequently we fret about our undergarments being visible beneath a white shirt.

Mistakes Were Made

Mistakes Were Made

These sisters took it a step further and wore their brassieres over their shirts, leaving us in awe (at least in Kourtney’s case… Kim’s situation is much more straightforward): must you also wear a bra beneath the shirt? It sounds even more inconvenient to wear than it is to view.

Queen of the jungle

The fact that Kris absolutely loves wearing the same fabric on every garment and accessory from head to toe (to fingertip) has been proven time and time again. Animal print isn’t any different, so why should it be?

Queen Of The Jungle

Queen Of The Jungle

In fact, the lack of a leopard-print hat to (literally) top off the ever-so-redundant look has us a little surprised. What, she didn’t have matching leopard hoop earrings? C’mon, Kris, you missed a spot. Get it?


Kim appears to be overdressed in this photo, as she appears to be wearing two completely different outfits simultaneously. Anyone who has ever worked in a theatre production knows that when someone is “underdressed,” it means they are wearing the costume for the next scene underneath the costume for the current scene.



So the backstage dressers can rip off the top layer, add a few accents, and send the actor back onstage with a completely new look in a matter of seconds. Let’s give Kim the benefit of the doubt and assume that was her plan, however ill-conceived.

Super Kim

The floor-length turquoise coat is very cape-like, and it may be one of her more refined fashion fails. Even the heart-shaped neckline of the tube top underneath it, as well as the flowy beige dress pants, contribute to her superhero look.

Super Kim

Super Kim

“I’m ready for action!” she says, her hands curled into near-fists. Her Wonder Woman hairstyle is missing a circlet headpiece, which she may be saving for when she fights crime. Kim, how about some fashion crimes?

Curtain call

This bathroom curtain of a dress is a whole lot of sheer ruffles, even for a Caribbean vacation. This princessy outfit also has a tooth fairy feel, thanks to the gold string tied in a bow across her neck.

Curtain Call

Curtain Call

The gold gladiator sandals, of course, only add to the fairy connection. Let’s not forget Kris’ matching shoes, as well as her own, less doily-like beachwear. Is that a purse or a rolled-up newspaper in Kourtney’s hand? A lot is going on in this picture.

Throwing shade

That is a lampshade. Is this a chandelier Kylie is attempting to imitate? The elaborate set of sparkly chains and pink tassels may be considered high fashion by some, but we think it looks like it was thrown together from 100 Aladdin’s magic carpets.

Throwing Shade

Throwing Shade

We’re sure it’s fun to whirl around in, but the showgirl-meets-throw-pillow-meets-lighting-fixture-meets-intricate-piece-of-artwork isn’t something we’d consider wearing to our next social event.

Fashion forward gone too far

Kim can get away with outfits that the rest of us non-Kardashians couldn’t. The woman knows how to dress confidently, and nearly everything she wears can become the latest fashion trend. This time, however, it’s different.

Fashion Forward Gone Too Far

Fashion Forward Gone Too Far

Nothing can save this outfit, no matter how hot the lighting, her poses, or the background are. After all, it’s just a skintight dress with a strange bikini pattern on it. Even Kim K can’t pull off that look.

The slits of doom

Kim is seen here on a night out. She may appear glamorous, and her beauty is undeniably stunning, but fashionistas were less than enthusiastic about her outfit choice. Although the form-fitting black dress was flattering, the side slits were a little too much for some.

The Slits Of Doom

The Slits Of Doom

The slits lowered the dress into the slightly more trashy territory rather than being classy and sensual. But, hey, if anyone can pull it off, it’s a woman with Kim Kardashian’s physique.

A bit too revealing

Kim – and the rest of the Kardashians, for that matter – aren’t exactly known for their modesty. They can all pull off a sophisticated look, but they also know how to flaunt their assets. Most critics aren’t fans of sheer, which is a common staple in all of their closets.

A Bit Too Revealing

A Bit Too Revealing

The sheer was argued to take the outfit in a direction it didn’t need to go in, even though the look was ultimately toned down. The colors go well with her bag and makeup, but the top’s seductive nature clashes slightly.

Doing too much

Many celebrities overlook a crucial aspect of fashion. While they may have the financial means to purchase the most extravagant garments imaginable, it’s often far more important to keep things simple (we’ll leave out the word “stupid” because we’re feeling nice today). Both Kim and Kanye’s outfits fall short of the mark when it comes to simplicity.

Doing Too Much

Doing Too Much

Kim appears to be wearing three different shades of black all over her body. It was bad enough that she was wearing a leather turtleneck, but the way she clashes with Kanye in this photo is unforgivable.

A mouse’s dream

Kim Kardashian is almost the dream of every man. Whether you love it or not, many people have spent a long time fantasizing about the face of the Kardashian Empire on this earth. Many of her outfits play on it, but this outfit seems to attract more mice than men.

A Mouse’s Dream

A Mouse’s Dream

Whoever chose this swiss cheese-inspired outfit should be fired from the fashion industry as a whole. Although distressed clothing can be done well, this looks more Pacsun than haute couture. No one let Jerry see this one!

Showing off to the world

We don’t need to tell you that Kim isn’t afraid to flaunt her body in front of the camera. Her figure is one of her calling cards, and she makes the most of it by displaying it elegantly.

Showing Off To The World

Showing Off To The World

However, this ensemble failed to do so. It has unnecessary panels in the midriff, in addition to looking a little strange in places (check out the fabric bunching on her thighs and near her stomach). Oh, and don’t get me started on the wardrobe malfunctions that accompanied this look.

All neutral everything

Kim’s style has vastly improved over time. Her current phase is heavily influenced by neutral colors and patterns, thanks to her wild experimentation. We’re unsure if Kanye’s Yeezy design philosophies are to blame, but we almost miss her more colorful ensembles.

All Neutral Everything

All Neutral Everything

Kim appears to be wearing a graceful outfit, but something is missing from it. The cutouts near the bottom of the dress are also completely unnecessary and serve only to detract from the overall ethos of the ensemble, which is a shame.

Shiny, oh so shiny!

Remember how we said a few seconds ago that we miss Kim’s more outrageous looks? We kind of wish we hadn’t said that. It worked on occasion, but this is an example of when it went too far. At the very least, she didn’t overdo the hair and make-up on this occasion…

Shiny, Oh So Shiny!

Shiny, Oh So Shiny!

In any case, it’s difficult to argue that this dress is anything other than tacky at best and completely obnoxious at worst. While Kim is dressed as royalty, Kylie is dressed in a far more drab outfit. What’s going on here?!

The acid-washed jeans of doom

There are numerous denim styles available. You have to think about all the different cuts, and then there are a thousand different washes for each cut. As a result, everyone is bound to have their own preferences when it comes to jeans.

The Acid Washed Jeans Of Doom

The Acid Washed Jeans Of Doom

Even so, we believe that the majority of people are opposed to an acid wash revival. The press has panned this outfit, but to be honest, we like it. The jeans look great with the boots, and they give her outfit a bit of an edgy edge. To each their own!

Khloe in boots

No, we made a mistake; it’s Khloe Kardashian, who is wearing some of the most outrageous leather boots we’ve ever seen. We’ve never seen anyone pull off crotch-high boots before, and Khloe doesn’t seem to be breaking the mold.

Khloe In Boots

Khloe In Boots

Khloe has had several outfits that didn’t quite hit the mark in the past as one of the Kardashian sisters who has never been known for her style. We don’t have a lot of nice things to say about this one. We suppose it’s daring. It, on the other hand, dared to go where it shouldn’t have gone.

A pants mistake

Kim’s closet is bound to be stuffed with random items, given how many different outfits she has to put together to look good for the press. We’re unsure what prompted her to purchase the pants in this photo, but they’re definitely not our style.

A Pants Mistake

A Pants Mistake

They might look better if the odd ruffled skirt near the top was removed. Her top, on the other hand, isn’t doing her any favors. It would have been much better if I had worn a black top that wasn’t see-through. Let’s hope this one was relegated to the back of the closet.

All over the place

Let’s get right to the point. This outfit does not appeal to us. Kim tried to match Kanye’s “upscaled athletic wear” aesthetic, but it didn’t work out. Kim looks more like a sorority girl who just finished a shopping spree at Urban Outfitters than a world-renowned superstar when she wears sportswear with a dress and a fuzzy coat.

All Over The Place

All Over The Place

She would be a good fit for many of the girls who are currently attending college. And that isn’t exactly a compliment for someone who has a reputation for being a high-end fashion designer, either.

Kris steps out

Kris Jenner is a fascinating individual, to say the least. To be honest, we’re not sure how we feel about her commodification of her family, but her business practices are unquestionably successful. Her fashion sense, on the other hand, could use some improvement.

Kris Steps Out

Kris Steps Out

These incredibly bold decisions may occasionally work for her children, but this look suggests that she should probably leave it to them. We have no idea what to make of the wig, and we have no idea where, to begin with, the jacket. She appears to be portraying an angel in the school play.

Rocking the rockstar jeans

Ripped jeans are here to stay, whether you like them or not. They truly exude the rockstar vibes that so many people crave these days. However, it appears that the ripped jeans popularized by the grunge movement of the 1990s have evolved, and we are now dealing with denim that is literally hanging on by a few threads.

Rocking The Rockstar Jeans

Rocking The Rockstar Jeans

Although the pairing of these jeans with heels was panned, we think it’s a good look. The Chrome Hearts hoodie also looks great with jeans. We’re not sure why this one received so much backlash!

The Duck Dynasty fall/winter collection

We’re not sure when the Kardashians first started wearing camo. It may be because of Kanye, known for his love of all things Americana, but the sisters are frequently seen wearing the pattern. Khloe’s outfit isn’t half bad…until you scroll down a little further.

The Duck Dynasty/Fall Winter Collection

The Duck Dynasty/Fall Winter Collection

Khloe’s penchant for massively tall boots is on display once more, and it doesn’t look good. It’s an interesting choice with the rest of her outfit, and we can see what she was going for, but it just looks weird.

Kendall makes a misstep

While the Kardashians make fairly savvy fashion choices, Kendall is perhaps the family member best known for her clothing choices. Kendall is unquestionably on the cutting edge of the modeling industry as a highly successful model. We frequently see her looking stunning in some truly amazing ensembles. Having said that, this is not her best.

Kendall Makes A Misstep

Kendall Makes A Misstep

The lace beneath the T-shirt feels incongruous and random, and the pants are more appropriate for a costume party than for a day out. Additionally, is she wearing a ZZ Top shirt? Is that strange to anyone else?

A bejeweled mess

This outfit shows that just because something is shiny and expensive doesn’t mean it will look good. The dress Kim is wearing in this photo is certainly eye-catching, but not in a good way. It has a braggadocious tone to it. Furthermore, it ends up being far more revealing than it needs to be, particularly for the occasion.

A Bejeweled Mess

A Bejeweled Mess

Also, don’t bother getting us started on the handcuffs. The way the sleeves encircle her hands gives the impression that she’s wearing her father’s shirt or something.

The Kylie Snuggie

Do you recall how popular Snuggies were? Whether you had one or not, we’d all heard about them to the point where we were sick of hearing about them. We may, however, be interested now. The Kylie Snuggie, to be precise.

The Kylie Snuggie

The Kylie Snuggie

This is a photo of Kylie on the runway wearing some interesting clothes, but she is not having a great fashion moment right now. She looks like a little kid hiding in a blanket, whether she chose it or not. We must say, however, that we like the hair.

Throwback Thursday with Kylie and Kendall

Kylie and Kendall used to be just silly little side characters on Keeping Up With the Kardashians, which we all knew about from their brief appearances. They did, however, quickly become as well-known as Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney. It’s amusing to look back at them as children because of their newfound fame and the glamorous lifestyles they now lead.

Throwback Thursday With Kylie And Kendall

Throwback Thursday With Kylie And Kendall

The two sisters are dressed in outfits that they appear to have chosen themselves. Kendall looks the same as she does now, but Kylie looks completely different!

No, no…just no

Let’s take a look at what Kim wore a long time ago while we’re on the subject of throwbacks. Everything about this ensemble is a disaster. The huge belt around her waist (perhaps a prototype waist trainer? ), the shoes, the hideous top sitting on plain leggings…yeah, this isn’t something Kim would wear today.

No, No...just No

No, No…just No

Even though she’s had a few bad fashion choices in the past few years, none of them have been as bad as this. It’s a good thing the Kardashian fashion has evolved! (Wow, that was quite the mouthful.)

Patterns on patterns

Kourtney Kardashian may or may not be the most likable Kardashian sister, depending on who you ask. While the drama between her and Scott Disick was overplayed on the show, many fans consider her the most down-to-earth family member. She also wears some fantastic outfits regularly.

Patterns On Patterns

Patterns On Patterns

One of them, however, was not one of them. Clashing patterns appear to be attempting to evoke a royal British style, but it fails miserably. That poor baby, too. Remove that thing from its head!
