Betty Ford’s Style
Many people neglect the style of the First Ladies but instead focus on their outside activities. The Betty Ford Center founder, one of the most prominent clinics in history, was a feminist. She should also earn credit for her style. She drew motivation from her beauty. Her fashion was basic but not overly sophisticated, making it easy for anybody to choose a combination of clothes to wear.
No White Dress For Betty On Her Second Wedding
Betty Bloomer married Gerald R. Ford at the Grace Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids, MI, in 1948. Other brides wore white on their wedding days, but not her. Her sparkling outfit and matching heels really complimented her. Betty was previously married. Her first husband, Bill Warren, was an alcoholic. They eventually divorced in 1947. After meeting Ford, they put off their wedding while he ran for Congress. Jerry was running for Congress and was concerned about how constituents may feel about marrying a divorced ex-dancer.