Who doesn’t adore a well-placed brooch? They can bring a distinctive accent to a traditional ensemble. The error lies in putting one on with every single outfit, every single day of the week. Despite the fact that brooches can be worn in a fashionable manner, they have an old-fashioned air about them. If you wear them too frequently or too many of them at the same time, it will create the impression that you are much older than you really are. In the event that you find yourself debating whether or not to include a brooch in an ensemble, the answer will be “no” 90% of the time.

Forgetting A Belt
Most women find it flattering to show off their shape at any age, regardless of their age. There are some clothing items that don’t show off the waistline, and that’s just OK. An accessory such as a belt is recommended in this situation to complete the look. When done right, loose-fitting clothing can be cute once in a while; nevertheless, having a straight line down the torso can be quite ugly and aging to the appearance. So, just make sure you have a classic belt that you can use with a variety of different outfits.

Forgetting A Belt