Top Knots
This hairstyle was once popular, thanks to Jennifer Lopez’s sporting it. However, it has long since vanished. Nowadays, top knots are less fashionable, which is a good thing because this hairstyle has the tendency to make you appear rather serious and unapproachable. There is one positive aspect to it, however: it gives the impression of making you appear taller. Although it may seem strange, the majority of the girls believe it to be true. Well, it’s possible that this is not the case for everyone, but we’ll never know for certain.

Top Knots
Neon Streak
It is rather astonishing that this hairdo was even considered for inclusion in a fashion trend in the first place. The majority of them that had this done to their hair are clubbers, to put it mildly. It’s rather intriguing, and it appears to be quite dashing in photographs. In actuality, though, the situation is quite the contrary. It simply does not appear to be attractive in person. It is usually preferable to opt for a much more straightforward and natural appearance rather than this one.

Neon Streak