Net Worth Check: List Of The Richest Hollywood Songwriters Of All Time

Published on 11/09/2021

Bob Dylan – $200 million

Greatest Hits: The Times, They Are A’Changin’, Blowin In The Wind

Bob Dylan, the country music star, is one of the most popular mainstream singers in the United States (and counterculture). Following the success of Civil Rights anthems Days They Are A’Changing’ and Blowin’ In the Sky, he released his eponymous record, which was a fractured single, in the early 1960s. His political albums and singles were diverse, and he released a number of them. He was also one of the first rock musicians to incorporate electrically amplified instruments into his albums, a move that was at the time highly controversial. The Presidential Medal of Freedom and the Nobel Prize were awarded to him in 2012 and 2016, respectively, for selling more than 100 million albums.

Bob Dylan – $200 Million

Bob Dylan – $200 Million


Brian Wilson – $75 million

Greatest Hits: Good Vibrations, I Get Around, God Only Knows, Barbara Ann

Brian Wilson is a co-founder of the Beach Boys and a member of the band. When he signed with Capitol Records in 1962, he wrote some twenty-four of the album’s top forty songs. He is widely regarded as one of the most innovative songwriters of the twentieth century, and some even consider him to be a musical genius. The Beach Boys were formed by him and his brothers, as well as his nephews. Wilson performs on occasion and is revered as an icon of indie rock and a punk rock godfather by his peers. Despite the fact that musicians (including the Beatles) benefited greatly from their influence, the introduction of his melodies and orchestrations proved to be a challenging task.

Brian Wilson – $75 Million

Brian Wilson – $75 Million